Aviation Academy ยป Technical staff courses
Aircraft technical staff course

Aircraft technical staff course

What will you learn during this technical staff course?

The technical staff is authorized to perform and certify maintenance work on aircraft and their components. Thus, during a technical staff course you will have to learn about:

  • The operations and processes by which civil aircraft are built;
  • Special components and parts of civil aircraft;
  • sketching and / or layout of the mechanical part that needs repair;
  • Maintaining the airworthiness of the aircraft structure;
  • Maintenance of on-board installations, equipment and appliances;
  • Responsibilities and privileges of technical personnel for aircraft;
  • Legal requirements for the performance of technical personnel work for aircraft.


Mai multe detalii aici:


How to get an EASA Part-66 Licence (Category B1 or B2)? | EASA (europa.eu)

EASA Part 66 – Becoming an aircraft Maintenance engineer (airservicetraining.co.uk)

How Do I obtain an EASA Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers LicenceSofema Aviation Services (sassofia.com)

What are the enrollment criteria for the aircraft technical staff course?

What are the enrollment criteria for the aircraft technical staff course?

AACR has set a number of conditions that potential candidates for the aircraft technical personnel course must meet:

  • Minimum age of 16 years;
  • Basic skills in mathematics – the basics of arithmetic, algebra and geometry;
  • Skills or a good understanding of mechanics, thermodynamics, optics, wave motion and sound;
  • A deep understanding of electricity production, current resistance, voltage and power;
  • Computer skills;
  • Reading, writing and communication skills in the language of the course;
  • Ability to actively listen and understand the technical documentation and procedures of the maintenance organization;
  • Have work experience in an authorized maintenance organization;
  • Medically fit.

Why choose the Higher School of Civil Aviation?

The Higher School of Civil Aviation has an important history in order to train and evaluate the right candidates for the positions and responsibilities in civil aviation. We provide candidates with 14 test aircraft, 4 helicopters and 5 simulators. We have partnerships with major airlines such as BlueAir and Ryanair to secure the jobs of our candidates.


Choose to take a technical staff course at the Higher School of Civil Aviation to learn and practice in the best fields!


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